Dr. Saint Andre

Endocrinology and Obesity 

Effective January 5th, 2024. Dr. Saint Andre will no longer practice medicine in Houston.

We understand that continuity of care is essential so we encourage you to choose another provider as soon as possible to ensure uninterrupted care. I recommend the excellent Houston Methodist Hospital Endocrinology physicians who would be ready to support your needs. To ensure a smooth transition, please visit https://www.houstonmethodist.org/spg/endocrinology/ or call 713.363.8600. If you wish to be seen by another provider please let us know to provide you further information and a referral if you wish to. 

Medical Records: If you decide to transfer your records to another physician, HIPAA requires a written authorization. For this reason, please send us an email at records@saintandremd.com for the authorization form.